Return Policy

Amendment and Cancellation Policy

  • You can cancel your renewal within 8 days after the renewal date by sending us an email. Please mention the reason for cancellation of the subscription.

Refund Policy:

  • The refund accruing shall be processed within 15-20 working days from the date of the cancellation request. Once processed, it may take upto 7-10 working days for the refund amount to get credited at its source. We only act as a facilitator of services and shall not be held liable for any changes, deficiences, disputes etc. related to the services being provided by the third party service providers, including the matters related to delays in refunds or no refunds and charges paid to the third party service providers.
    Please Note: Government taxes charged at the time of renewal will not be refunded.

  • What are the cancellation/amendment charges?
    Thirty percent(30%) of the renewal amount will be deducted while refunding the amount.