Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should I register with "The Business Tender" website?

"The Business Tenders" is an easy way to find new upcoming projects to happen in your locality and also “in your area of interest”. This is an equal opportunity business model to help you to get more business and progress in life. This website will create transparency in your business and save your time and money. It means that vendors need not have to wait for the business opportunity; instead they will be able to get to know the opportunity upfront. They just need to register and login and apply to get new business.

2. How will I come to know about new projects?

When any society/industry(Client) in your city (locality), uploads a tender of any kind of work to be carried out in their society/industry(Client), and if it is in your “AREA OF INTEREST”, we will update you about it immediately when you login with us. Therefore, we recommend you to login everyday to look for any new project.

3. How to make the PDF password protected?

Steps to protect your PDF Quotation.
  • Type your quotation in MS Word.
  • Save the file with a suitable name.
  • Go to File and click on "Save As" option .
  • On "Save As" window, click on "Save As Type" and select "PDF" format.
  • Then click on the "Options" button given on the same window.
  • Choose "Encrypt the document with password" box and click "OK".
  • You will be prompted to enter the password you desire and also you need to re-type the password for confirmation.Click "OK"
  • Now your password protected file is ready to upload.
  • Most Important, you must remember the password because you will require to furnish it at the time of "Tender opening".

4. How will your website help me in procuring the tender?

"The Business Tenders" website is purely an advertising website. We will take the tender advertisement from all the clients “FREE OF COST”. We will sort them and distribute them to the respective vendors at a very nominal cost, which is less than the cost of a cup of tea consumed every day. You must Prepare the Quotation, convert it into "Password Protected PDF" file and submit the tender online to the respective society/industry(Client). And be present on the tender opening date and time. This is an equal opportunity business model. You need to bid and prove your expertise to procure the order.

5. What is the website’s role?

We will sort the tenders and distribute them to the respective vendors as per their “AREA OF INTEREST”, at a very nominal cost which is less than the cost of a cup of tea consumed everyday.

6. How can I register myself with "The Business Tenders" website?

Registering on the website is very easy. You can easily register yourself by giving some of your details such as Name of your organisation, address, contact details, email ID etc. Out of which your PAN and email is complusary.

7. What is the registration fee?

For SOCIETY / INDUSTRY, there is “NO” registration fee. We only expect more and more TENDER ADVERTISEMENT from Societies / Industries. The tender advertisement is also “free of cost”.

For VENDORS, the membership is free for first three months, from the date of registration. And henceforth it will cost only Rs. 299/- for one year. It is less than the cost of a cup of tea consumed everyday.

8. Where will I deposit the registration fee?

You can pay directly through the “Payment Gateway” of the bank and complete the registration of your company.

9. What are the benefits of registration with "The Business Tenders"?

"The Business Tenders" is a purely advertisement website. The aim of building this website is a win-win situation. The Society / Industry can get more expert advice by bidding various vendors. It creates a healthy competition which is very helpful to have a progressive business . This will also help to keep a clean and transparent business.

10. Can I register myself as two or more type of vendors?

NO. You can register only for one type of vendor. Example: electrician will register only as an electrician vendor. Plumber will register only as a plumber vendor. Because, each vendor is linked with PAN number and email id which is unique.

11. Can I change the details of contact person?

When you login you will be able to change the details of the contact person.

12. What are the required documents or government registrations for procuring the order?

The basic requirement for procuring the order is you must have a PAN card registration and valid email. Further, depending upon the type of tender, other government registration will be required. The type of registration will be mentioned in the tender. You need to read the tender carefully.

13. How will my personal information be secure?

No personal details will be asked to you other than basic required details. The information given by you will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with any other corporate entity. However, you may receive email or sms only from "" regarding latest updates or changes or request for suggestion. Your suggestion is always welcome. This will help us to serve you better.

14. How can I get other queries answered other than FAQ?

You can email us your query and we will give you the appropriate answer and also we will include it in our FAQ list so that others can also benefit through it.